We strive to provide our customers with the latest training and information on topics that matter to the Canadian diagnostic imaging community. On this page you'll find useful webinars that you can enjoy at your leisure.
We strive to provide our customers with the latest training and information on topics that matter to the Canadian diagnostic imaging community. On this page you'll find useful webinars that you can enjoy at your leisure.

We strive to provide our customers with the latest training and information on topics that matter to the Canadian diagnostic imaging community. On this page you'll find useful webinars that you can enjoy at your leisure.
We strive to provide our customers with the latest training and information on topics that matter to the Canadian diagnostic imaging community. On this page you'll find useful webinars that you can enjoy at your leisure.

We strive to provide our customers with the latest training and information on topics that matter to the Canadian diagnostic imaging community. On this page you'll find useful webinars that you can enjoy at your leisure.
We strive to provide our customers with the latest training and information on topics that matter to the Canadian diagnostic imaging community. On this page you'll find useful webinars that you can enjoy at your leisure.

Gadolinium presence in the pediatric brain
Dr Bhargava and Dr Chavhan
Delivered 2018

MRI Efficiency Using Lean Methodology
Jennifer Catton, MBA, PMP
Delivered 2019

Contrast Enhanced MRI - What's new in 2020 and beyond
Dr. Anzalone and Prof. Dr. Pietsch
Delivered July 2020

Additional MRI Screening in women with extremely dense breasts
Dr. Carla van Gils PhD
Delivered 2020

Gadolinium presence in the pediatric brain
Dr Bhargava and Dr Chavhan
Delivered 2018

MRI Efficiency Using Lean Methodology
Jennifer Catton, MBA, PMP
Delivered 2019

Contrast Enhanced MRI - What's new in 2020 and beyond
Dr. Anzalone and Prof. Dr. Pietsch
Delivered July 2020

Additional MRI Screening in women with extremely dense breasts
Dr. Carla van Gils PhD
Delivered 2020

Gadolinium presence in the pediatric brain
Dr Bhargava and Dr Chavhan
Delivered 2018

MRI Efficiency Using Lean Methodology
Jennifer Catton, MBA, PMP
Delivered 2019

Contrast Enhanced MRI - What's new in 2020 and beyond
Dr. Anzalone and Prof. Dr. Pietsch
Delivered July 2020

Additional MRI Screening in women with extremely dense breasts
Dr. Carla van Gils PhD
Delivered 2020

Rethinking Breast Cancer Screening: Abbreviated breast MRI
Dr. Khul
Delivered 2020

Risk-adjusted Breast Screening Strategies
Ritse Mann and Francesco Sardanelli
Delivered 2020, ECR.

Liver Metastases
Dr. Grazioli and Dr. Faletti
Delivered October 2020

IUD's and Malposition
Dr. Hall
Delivered March 2021

Rethinking Breast Cancer Screening: Abbreviated breast MRI
Dr. Khul
Delivered 2020

Risk-adjusted Breast Screening Strategies
Ritse Mann and Francesco Sardanelli
Delivered 2020, ECR.

Liver Metastases
Dr. Grazioli and Dr. Faletti
Delivered October 2020

IUD's and Malposition
Dr. Hall
Delivered March 2021

Rethinking Breast Cancer Screening: Abbreviated breast MRI
Dr. Khul
Delivered 2020

Risk-adjusted Breast Screening Strategies
Ritse Mann and Francesco Sardanelli
Delivered 2020, ECR.

Liver Metastases
Dr. Grazioli and Dr. Faletti
Delivered October 2020

IUD's and Malposition
Dr. Hall
Delivered March 2021

Primovist enhanced liver MRI. Liver disease management and patient outcomes
Dr. Seidensticker and Dr. Kang
Delivered 2021

Primovist enhanced liver MRI. Liver disease management and patient outcomes
Dr. Seidensticker and Dr. Kang
Delivered 2021

Best Practices in Pediatric Radiology
Dr. Bhargava
Delivered 2018

Patient’s perspective screening dense breasts
Dr. Weinstein
Delivered 2021

DENSE incident screening round
Dr. van Gils
Delivered 2021

Enhancing more than the image
Dr. Forsting
Delivered 2022

Breast cancer screening in women with dense breast tissue
Prof. Jan Endrikat and Dr. Ritse Mann
Delivered 2022

Successes and Challenges when Implementing a Shortened Breast MRI Protocol
Dr. Jean Seely, Dr. Anat Kornecki, Dr. Charlotte Yong-Hing, Mindy Dobbs, Sebastian Juneau, Alain Berthiaume
Delivered 2022

Acute Ischemic Stroke Management
Dr. Timo Krings
Delivered 2022